One of the ways that Fox News can keep their viewers happy is by trotting out the old tried and true right wing fear mongering tactics of the past. This election season was virtually free of Second Amendment rights talk. It just wasn't considered an issue. Now that Obama has won, however, we can expect Fox and the other right wing news outlets to submit more stories about the fear gun owners now feel. A fear of not being able to buy guns? Fox reveals:
Handguns and rifles are flying off the shelves at Ted Sabate's gun shop in Kensington, Md.
And while it's not uncommon for gun sales to spike when the economy takes a downturn, Sabate says that's not what he's hearing from customers. According to Sabate, gun enthusiasts are stockpiling because they say they're afraid the incoming Democratic administration will impose new gun bans.
"People are afraid that if there's another ban imposed ... they won't be able to buy them at all," Sabate said. "So they want to get something now before they don't think that they can."
And while it's not uncommon for gun sales to spike when the economy takes a downturn, Sabate says that's not what he's hearing from customers. According to Sabate, gun enthusiasts are stockpiling because they say they're afraid the incoming Democratic administration will impose new gun bans.
"People are afraid that if there's another ban imposed ... they won't be able to buy them at all," Sabate said. "So they want to get something now before they don't think that they can."
Been putting off that gun purchase, have you? I wouldn't wait too long...Democrats a' comin'!
The Fox story then rightly finishes up with the strange predictions of the head of the N.R.A., Wayne LaPierre:
The head of the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre, foresees a split in the Democratic party.
"What you're going to see is a real struggle between the elite wing of the party -- the Manhattan, Georgetown cocktail party circuit, the Los Angeles -- versus the union, rank-and-file members ... the members that are going to (say) wait a minute, my district likes to hunt, my district respects the Second Amendment," LaPierre said.
"What you're going to see is a real struggle between the elite wing of the party -- the Manhattan, Georgetown cocktail party circuit, the Los Angeles -- versus the union, rank-and-file members ... the members that are going to (say) wait a minute, my district likes to hunt, my district respects the Second Amendment," LaPierre said.
Can't people be both partiers and happy gun lovers? I think the two compliment each other. That's good, old fashioned, small town values right there--get drunk and shoot stuff.
Fox will have no trouble entertaining their audience now that the election is over. They're going to watch President Obama's every move. Like the tenacious Mr Fud, Fox will continue to play their old, tired game no matter how pitiful or ridiculous the endeavor.
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