This is the kind of image we like to see early on in the process--our man making nice with a not- so-bright looking white guy who thought it necessary to point out the writing on his t-shirt. We see it, buddy.
This article from the Times Picayune reports that Gov. Jindal was apparently satisfied with his meeting with the incoming Obama administration. With an attitude like this, its hard not to like the guy:
"The administration used this as an opportunity to hear from us," Jindal said. "They weren't looking for a consensus because they were not yet ready to present a package. They didn't have details. But rather this was purely an opportunity for them to gather input. As they emphasized, this was the first of many steps."
Apparently, Gov. Jindal made a favorable impression on Mr. Obama at the meeting:
Jindal said he shared a light moment with Obama regarding recent reports that Republicans consider Jindal to be their version of an Obama-style rising star.
"President-elect Obama and I had a very nice, friendly conversation about the issues," Jindal said. "As he was leaving, he made a very friendly, complimentary, joking comment. I will keep it private because it was said in private."
A "nice, friendly conversation" with your future opponent is a good thing.
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